Our Annual Lenten Pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 15th March 2020 (3rd Sunday of Lent) after the 6:30 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral and will continue on to St. […]
The Cathedral/Sacred Heart Annual Pilgrimage to Tortuga Harvest will take place on Sunday 8th September, 2019. Tickets at $120.00 each, are available from Mr. Kenny Garib or any member of […]
There will be a ‘Boat Cruise’ fundraiser on Friday 8th June, from 7.00pm to 10pm. Tickets are $200.00 including light refreshments. Drinks will be on sale, but you can bring […]
The annual pilgrimage will be going to La Vega Grand Couva next Sunday (8th April, 2018). A few tickets are still available from the planning committee and parish office.