Sacred Heart RC Church is undergoing repairs to its interior walls, stained glass windows, sound mixer, external walls where thick plant growth exists, as well as to pews and kneelers. Also, parishioners who are still fearful about attending Mass have asked for information to be made available so that ongoing stewardship contributions can be made via cheque or online banking.
To cater to both needs – donations to Sacred Heart or the Mother Church (Cathedral) – we are making the following banking information available to all parishioners, friends and benefactors:
1. Cheques are made payable to: RC Archbishop – Cathedral
2. Direct Deposit to the Cathedral Parish Account:
Republic Bank Limited, Independence Square, Port of Spain
Account Number: 150800207801
3. Online Banking
RC Archbishop – Cathedral
Account Number: 150800207801
As a general rule, please ensure you are given a receipt for all monies donated outside of online banking, especially cash (unless we are personally instructed not to do so by the donor). This is necessary for transparency and accountability. Please call 623-5232 for any further information or email at