Donations/ offerings are needed to assist with the expenses of Our Grand Annual Corpus Christi Mass and Procession, which will be held on Thursday 20th June 2019 at the Grand […]
A Second Collection will be taken up on the weekend of 11th and 12th May in all Parishes of the Northern Vicariate, specifically to assist with the expenses of Our […]
Corpus Christi: The first meeting of representatives of the Parishes and Communities of the Northern Vicariate, Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Corpus Christi Planning Committee, will be held on Thursday […]
Corpus Christi Mass will be celebrated at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah on Thursday 31st May, 2018 at 8.30 a.m. and will be followed by the procession to the […]
The celebration of Corpus Christi is Thursday 31st May, 2018. Mr. Colin Chalmers is heading the planning team with our Vicar, Fr. Christopher Lumsden, and everyone is asked to be […]
The celebration of Corpus Christi is Thursday 31st May, 2018. Mr. Colin Chalmers is heading the planning team with our Vicar, Fr. Christopher Lumsden, and everyone is asked to be […]