The Cathedral Lenten Mission will commence this Monday 1st April until Friday 5th April, 2019 @ 5.00 p.m. Confession will be available from 4.15 p.m. each evening during this week. There will be a Penitential Service on Thursday 4th April and the closing Mass on Friday 5th April. We would like to conclude our Lenten Mission with a Bring-and-Share i.e. a simple AGAPE meal.
Our Retreat Master will be Fr. Donald Chambers of Jamaica.
> Monday: The Lord’s House: All Are Welcome
> Tuesday: Searching for the Sheep: Finding the Vulnerable
> Wednesday: Ambience: Do Our Surroundings Say “Welcome!”?
> Thursday: Penitential Service – Failings Regarding Hospitality
> Friday: The Eucharist: Go and Be Hospitable to All